The first time I saw this used in a pattern, I kind-of had a “DUH” moment….who knew you could use glue when sewing? Of course it isn’t new, but it was new to me, and I thought it was pretty nifty!
This technique is used often in Deena’s patterns; for raw edge details like the pinwheels in the Liberty pattern above or the scallops in Nature Girl; also for turned edge appliques as seen in Scenic Route.
After discovering this technique, I went to purchase some glue and realized that there are A LOT of glues to choose from. I am certainly not a glue expert, but here are the three I use all the time and really like for different applications.

Roxanne’s Glue Baste It
I use the Elmer’s School Glue most often…..always be sure you buy the WASHABLE glue. This glue is not acid free and should not be used on a quilt that is going to be an “heirloom” someday, but since my quilts are getting used everyday and won’t make it long enough to be said “heirloom” this quality does not bother me. I have never seen any discoloration on my fabrics where the glue has been applied.
The Collins Glue Stick is great when you need a really “smooth” application, or need to glue a larger area, and it is acid free and water-soluble.
Roxanne’s Glue Baste It was recommended by one of my local quilt shops for securing appliques…..and I figure she IS a glue expert! It has a really fine tip for the smallest of glue dots, and of course it is acid free and water-soluble. It is the choice I would use if the quilt/project you are making will never be washed.
Using the glue is just as easy as it was in kindergarten…..although I wouldn’t slather it on like I did when I was five – a more “restrained” approach is needed.

This technique makes things so much easier…can you imagine trying to pin each of these pieces down? In fact, it’s kind of fun, just like those art projects from kindergarten!
We are also so excited to let you know about a new site, Pattern Jam where Deena will be selling some of her patterns. Pattern Jam is amazing! it allows you to create your own quilt pattern OR test drive fabric in a designer’s pattern, like Deena’s. Here is an example of our Kate Skirt:
It allows you to change the fabric selections until you find just the right combination. Then you can purchase the pattern, fabric, and print out your custom diagram…, huh?! The Liberty quiltfeatured above is also ready on the site, and more of Deena’s patterns will be loaded in the near future (the site just launched a few weeks ago).